Double the percent of local businesses selling to UVA:
a. In CY2023, UVA worked with 461 local businesses, a 15.8% increase over 2022.
b. In CY2023, UVA’s discretionary spend with local businesses was $39.2M, a 70.1% increase over 2022.
Double the percent of minority-owned businesses selling to UVA
a. In CY2023, UVA worked with 44 Minority-owned businesses, 9 of which were local – a 29.4% increase and 12.5% increase, respectively.
Endorse the Procurement Strategic Plan
a. The Procurement Strategic Plan will be drafted, finalized, and endorsed in 2024 upon hiring of the new Director of Supplier Diversity.
Increase spend with local minority and Black owned businesses
a. In CY2023, 6 of 9 minority-owned local businesses working with the University were black-owned.
Evaluate ways to engage uncertified SWaM-eligible businesses
a. In 2024 Procurement & Supplier Diversity plans to evaluate uncertified SWaM-eligible businesses, beginning with local caterers. The majority of local caterers and business meal venues are not currently certified, but most are eligible. Preliminary data and research suggests that spending with those eligible but not certified suppliers represents at least $2.5M annually.
Increase spend with currently engaged SWaM businesses
a. The SWaM Supplier Expo, planned for 2024, will focus entirely on introducing University purchasers to SWaM-certified businesses, most of which will be local suppliers.
Develop local supplier search tool
a. This is planned for 2024, along with a redesigned Supplier Diversity website.
Feature local and local SWaM business in the impact analysis
a. Local and SWaM businesses will be featured in both the planned Procurement & Supplier Diversity Services annual report and on the redesigned Supplier Diversity website.
Supplier Diversity will also be popularizing the Black Business Guide to University purchasers.
a. Simplify and shorten the vendor certification process, and track time
b. While the Virginia Department of Small Business & Supplier Diversity (SBSD) governs the certification process, Supplier Diversity will invite SBSD personnel to the University in 2024 on a regular basis in order to hold in-person certification workshops for our local suppliers.
Invest in a holistic (Academic and Medical) spend dashboard
a. Procurement & Supplier Diversity Services will begin receiving Medical Center SWaM spend information in 2024.
Create supplier diversity council and track pan-UVA supplier inclusion
a. This item will be considered in the Procurement Strategic Plan.