
Purpose: To advance greater coordination between community-based initiatives in Virginia’s Planning District 10 and the University to improve health outcomes and reduce racial disparities.

Scope of Work:

  • Review public health data to understand trends and gaps, with a focus on the social determinants of health.
  • Conduct landscape analysis of existing community efforts in relevant areas of work.
  • Engage the Equity Center and other partners to conduct community engagement to build trust and gain a deeper understanding of community priorities, barriers, needs, and solutions. Attention should be paid to the growing understanding of racism as a public health crisis. 
  • Develop recommendations for UVAHS strategic plan that complement existing community efforts, including the other working groups, and consider the social determinants of health. Emphasize priority goals to strengthen health equity partnerships between the University and the community.
  • Generate a list of near-term actionable steps that the University can take to engage with, leverage, and support existing community efforts such as MAPP2Health, Food Justice Network, Move2Health Equity, Central Virginia Clinicians of Color Network, and the Community Mental Health and Wellness Coalition.
  • Identify opportunities for how a strategic communication/PSA initiative can increase understanding of social determinants of health
  • Identify areas in which sufficient activity is not yet occurring and unique efforts and focus could be launched to advance the public health priorities identified in the report.


  1. List of near-term actionable steps that the University can take to engage with, leverage and support existing community efforts.
  2. List of long-term actionable steps that would complement existing work and fill identified gaps.


Working Group Members

Jackie Martin - Director of Community Benefit, Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital (Co-Chair)
Tracy Downs - UVA Health, Chief Diversity & Community Engagement Officer (Co-Chair)
Art Saavedra - Chief of Population Health and Health Policy, UVA Health
Mike Marquardt - CFO, UVA Medical Center
Michaela Lieberman - Health Justice Attorney, Legal Aid Justice Center
Arminda Perch - Central Virginia Clinicians of Color Network and BeWell at UVA
Renae Vance - Community Mental Health and Wellness Coalition
Veronica Espinosa - Community Member
Gregg Winston -Vic President, NAACP, Chair Move2Health Coalition
Kimberli Bowen - UVA Medical Student
Akua Nyarko-Odoom - UVA Medical Student
Rebecca Schmidt - Director Strategic Partnerships and Initiatives, Blue Ridge Health District
Matthew Salit - UVA Law Student
Denise Bonds - Health Director, Blue Ridge Health District
Kaki Dimock - Director of Albemarle County Social Services