Advisory Group Members & Charge


Advisory Group Members

J.J. Davis, Advisory Group Chair, UVA Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer
Jim Murray, Member, UVA BOV; Founder, Presidential Precinct; Managing Partner, Court Square Ventures; Founder, Presidential Precinct
Carlos Brown, Vice Rector, UVA BOV; Senior Vice President, General Counsel, and Chief Compliance Officer, Dominion Energy
Danny Abramson, Member, UVAF Board of Directors; Principal, Abramson Properties
Robert Byron, Member, UVAF Board of Directors; Chairman & Co-Founder, Blue Vista Companies
Kevin Chavers, Member, UVAF Board of Directors
Harold Folley, Community Organizer, Legal Aid Justice Center; Liaison from President's Council on UVA-Community Partnerships
Lou Haddad, Member, UVA BOV; CEO/President, Armada Hoffler Properties
Eddie Howard, Executive Director, Abundant Life Ministries
Alex Ikefuna, Interim Director of the Office of Community Solutions, City of Charlottesville
Joy Johnson, Founder and Chair, Charlottesville Public Housing Association of Residents
Louis Nelson, Vice Provost for Academic Outreach
Stacy Pethia, Principal Planner for Housing, Albemarle County
Tim Rose, Chief Executive Officer, UVAF
Susi Yu, Principal, Head of Development, MAG Partners

Advisory Group Charge

The Affordable Housing Advisory Group (“Advisory Group”) will serve as a sounding board to help advance the affordable housing work, a priority that was identified in the UVA-Community Working Group’s 2019 report. The Advisory Group will provide guidance and expertise, and will review the recommendations of an internal staff work team and their consultants to then bring forward to the Executive Sponsor, President Jim Ryan, on the following: 

- Community Engagement: Work with the project consultant and internal staff work team to create effective communication with the local community, as well as with housing advocacy organizations, to ensure ample input and transparency.

- Target Population: Consider UVA’s role in addressing local housing needs in a way that is complementary to, and not duplicative of, the work of existing housing organizations. 

- Development Strategy: Review and recommend proposals for an approach to support the development of approximately 1,000 to 1,500 affordable housing units over the next ten years. Consider how to partner with public/private sector entities.



UVA has established a goal to support the development of 1,000 to 1,500 affordable housing units over a decade on land in Charlottesville and/or Albemarle County that is owned by UVA or the UVA Foundation.


Subject to change based on financing, entitlements, etc.


Advisory Group Convenes

Site Review & Announcement

Preliminary Community Engagement

Preliminary Financial Analysis

Developer Engagement

Request for Qualifications/Request for Proposals

Negotiations & Legal Agreements

Pre-construction Activities

Community Engagement




Due Diligence for Sites

Final Agreements





Development Principles

Affordable Housing Development Principles

Site Maps



November 11, 2024

Piedmont and Wertland & 10 St: The first two affordable housing developments (Piedmont in Albemarle County and Wertland & 10th St in Charlottesville city) are moving steadily ahead.

  • The developers, Piedmont Housing Alliance (PHA), and Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH) are working on pre-construction activities such as site assessments, community engagement, early design concepts, and rezoning.
  • We are also negotiating partnership agreements with the developers, which will hold them accountable for creating high quality communities that will be affordable and well maintained for many decades.
  • Each site is unique and continues to progress on its own timeline. The timing for construction depends on financing and entitlements. Based on conversations with the developers, construction likely will not commence before 2026 at Wertland & 10th St and 2027 at Piedmont at the earliest.


North Fork: North Fork is a very different site from the initial two properties in size and scale. Project phasing and affordability mix will look different at North Fork compared to Piedmont and Wertland & 10th St.

  • The schedule is tentative, with a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) anticipated this fall and a Request for Proposals (RFP) early next year.
  • Compared to the initial two properties, we anticipate more market rate and middle-income housing in addition to affordable at this site.

Project News

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Please contact the Staff Work Team at [email protected] with questions.