Early Childhood Implementation Group

formed in January, 2024 the information below can be found in the

Charter for the Early Childhood Education Implementation Group

Mission Statement: The Early Childhood Education Implementation Group (ECEIG) is dedicated to translating, addending, and amending the recommendations and initiatives outlined by the Early Childhood Education Working Group (ECEWG) into actionable plans to enhance early childhood education accessibility, quality, and support for families and educators in Charlottesville/Albemarle.

Purpose: The purpose of The Early Childhood Education Implementation Group is to implement and coordinate the execution of strategies to work towards the recommendations presented by the Early Childhood Education Working Group, and other recommendations as determined by the group; ensuring effective and efficient implementation to address identified needs and achieve tangible outcomes within predetermined timelines.

Scope: The Early Childhood Education Implementation Group's scope comprises the expansion and elevation of the field of early childhood education in the Charlottesville/Albemarle region.  This includes but is not limited to a) compiling assessments of the regional ECE landscape, b) seeking solutions to ongoing ECE workforce crises, c) supporting the local expansion of available and affordable childcare slots, ensuring the equity and quality of local preK opportunities, and d) evaluating the impact of implemented strategies.


  1. Create a measurable action plan, through the facilitation the translation of discussions and initiatives from Early Childhood Education Meetings with various stakeholders.
  2. Create a map of various efforts, including overlaps between and amongst various stakeholders, including representatives from the United Way, local childcare centers, educational institutions, and community organizations.
  3. Source, allocate, and leverage resources strategically to support the implementation of early childhood education initiatives.
  4. Collaborate with relevant entities to monitor progress and evaluate the impact of implemented strategies on early childhood education outcomes.

Membership: The Early Childhood Education Implementation Group membership shall consist of representatives from key stakeholder groups, including but not limited to:

  • Community organizations focused on early childhood education
    • United Way
    • Early Childhood Funders Network
    • ReadyKids
  • Educational institutions
    • Piedmont Virginia Community College
    • University of Virginia

At times, the group will bring in others to assist with the implementation of community efforts:

Relevant government agencies

    • City of Charlottesville
    • County of Albemarle

Membership may also include individuals with expertise in relevant fields, as deemed necessary by the ECEIG leadership

Original Working Group Members

Jessica Whittaker, Research Associate Professor, UVA School of Education and Human Development (Co-Chair)
Melissa Carter, Director of Head Start, Monticello Area Community Action Agency
Tamara Dias, Executive Director, African American Teaching Fellows
Toni Eubanks, Local Community Activist, Childcare Provider and Parent 
Tricia Goyea, Charlottesville City School Preschool Teacher, Venable Elementary
Sarah McLean, Vice-Chair, Early Education Task Force and Early Childhood Funders Network
Deborah Rogers, Executive Director, Barrett Early Learning Center
Debbie Shelor, Albemarle County Public Schools Preschool Teacher, Greer Elementary
Sara Shedd, Early Learning Director, City of Promise
Lucy Montalvo, Project Manager, UVA Equity Center


Goal: Substantial work and new opportunities in early childhood education (ECE) already exist within the local community and statewide. The goal of this group is to leverage the larger local and statewide ECE efforts (without being redundant with what has already occurred or what will occur, given large new state initiatives) to improve equity in early childhood education with expectations that young children (0-5) in our community who are from low-income backgrounds and children of color experience an effective, high-quality early childhood education.

Scope of Work

  • Given that much of the ECE teacher workforce earn less than a living wage, provide recommendations toward extending the living wage commitment (UVA, City) to local ECE centers to protect the investment in education, training and PD by professionalizing the wages early childhood educators receive and increasing retention. 
  • Gather information about current compensation practices at local private and public preschools and ECE centers.
  • Identify potential high leverage UVA-community collaborations that have the power to increase access to effective, high-quality early childhood education experiences for poor and minority children with an emphasis on teacher training (pre- and in-service) and curriculum. 
  • Determine the viability of a program that removes barriers for early education degree students from the local community, incentivizes local placement, and provides professional support to improve retention. 


Interim reports will be provided to the President’s Council on an ongoing basis and will include information on the following:

1. Recommendations about expanded access to placement and retention of qualified, trained, and supported early childhood educators in the local community.

2. Recommendations on the need to appropriately compensate early childhood educators so there is equitable access to highly qualified teachers who stay in the field.

3. Identification of one or two starting projects related to training and supporting ECE workers where UVA and the community will collaborate to increase effective, high-quality educational experiences for black and brown children from low-income backgrounds.

4. Identification of tangible and practically important markers of success and the existing and new resources needed to achieve success for implemented projects.