President's Council on UVA Community Partnerships Working Groups
Affordable Housing - UVA has established a goal to support the development of 1,000 to 1,500 affordable housing units over a decade on land in Charlottesville and/or Albemarle County that is owned by UVA or the UVA Foundation.
Community Safety - Collaborate with representatives from the City of Charlottesville, Albemarle County, community and UVA to identify ways to improve community safety, leverage existing resources and services, and recommend activities that have the greatest potential for immediate impact on our local community.
Early Childhood Education - The goal of this group is to leverage the larger local and statewide ECE efforts (without being redundant with what has already occurred or what will occur, given large new state initiatives) to improve equity in early childhood education with expectations that young children (0-5) in our community who are from low-income backgrounds and children of color experience an effective, high-quality early childhood education.
Local Economy - Increase number of University procurement relationships with and proportion of procurement funds going to local* businesses by xx% by xx date, with recommendations for percentage and date to be determined by the working group. As part of this work, review and refine guidelines that will ensure equitable access for local businesses.
Pipeline and Pathways - Increase the number of disadvantaged community residents hired by the University, decrease the rate of turnover, and increase the number of incumbent Academic Division and UVA Health workers, including UVA-affiliated workers (UPG, UVA Temps, etc.) who advance up the income ladder. As part of this work, review and refine guidelines that will ensure equitable access to available jobs by community residents.
Public Health - To advance greater coordination between community-based initiatives in Virginia’s Planning District 10 and the University to improve health outcomes and reduce racial disparities.